Building Collective Impact to Improve Health and Reduce Obesity among Children: A Report on a Participatory Research Approach


  • Lynn Katherine Herrmann, PhD, MPH
  • Beverly Henry, PhD, RD, LDN
  • Lorraine Hogan, MS



community, participatory research, collective impact


This participatory research study engaged community organizations to progress toward a shared
goal of reducing county-level childhood obesity. A structured review of regional, state, and national health
promotion programs was completed, followed by phone interviews with community stakeholders to identify
potential activities to meet this goal. This resulted in development of five toolkits for various sectors: mu-
nicipalities, businesses, community groups, schools, and child care centers. Toolkits included criteria and
objectives for achievement levels (bronze, silver, gold) modi ed and endorsed by community stakeholders
via focus groups. Community involvement in developing the toolkits helped create a collective impact
toward the county’s goal.



How to Cite

Herrmann, L. K., Henry, B., & Hogan, L. (2017). Building Collective Impact to Improve Health and Reduce Obesity among Children: A Report on a Participatory Research Approach. American Journal of Health Studies, 32(2).