Lessons Learned from Implementation and Evaluation of an Evidence-Based Sex Education Pilot Program for Minority Adolescent Females


  • Amelia C. Huelskamp, Ph.D.
  • Hannah P. Catalano, Ph.D., CHES




The purpose of the pilot program was to increase knowledge, beliefs, and intentions related to
abstinence and safer sex practices in a small cohort of minority adolescent girls. Researchers implemented
and evaluated the Be Proud! Be Responsible! curriculum with a small group of seven minority girls ages
13 to 18 who were sexually inexperienced during a four-week summer program at a Boys and Girls Club.
Lessons learned from our program include that educators should first take steps to establish rapport prior
to program implementation, secondly, there should be an increased number of program sessions than pres-
ently in the curriculum and thirdly, grouping participants into cohorts of smaller age range may be more
conducive to the educational process.



How to Cite

Huelskamp, A. C., & Catalano, H. P. (2018). Lessons Learned from Implementation and Evaluation of an Evidence-Based Sex Education Pilot Program for Minority Adolescent Females. American Journal of Health Studies, 33(4). https://doi.org/10.47779/ajhs.2018.72