Commentary: Barrier to Human Connection: How the COVID-19 Pandemic has Changed Communication


  • Charity A. Bishop
  • Lisa G. Yazel


COVID-19 Workforce, Certified Health Education Specialists (CHES), Health Education


COVID-19 forced workforces to shift how services were provided, how work was done, and the setting for many workers. The health education workforce was no exception. The pandemic left Certified Health Education Specialists (CHES) and their organizations considering the best ways to communicate with priority populations and colleagues. The importance of communication is highlighted in the field of health education through the HESPA II 2020 delineation of communication as a stand along responsibility. This commentary highlights the importance of communication to the field during the pandemic through findings of interviews with CHES.



How to Cite

Bishop, C. A., & Yazel, L. G. (2022). Commentary: Barrier to Human Connection: How the COVID-19 Pandemic has Changed Communication. American Journal of Health Studies, 36(3). Retrieved from