What Does it Mean to be At-risk of Developing Type 2 Diabetes? Family Matters


  • Jenifer J. Thomas, PhD
  • John C. Moring, PhD
  • Jordan Calmes, PharmD
  • Mariah Kepler, BSN
  • Taylor Chaulk-Pikula, BSN
  • Samantha Baker, BSN




risk perception, type 2 diabetes, family history


Family history of type 2 diabetesis likely to impact individual perception of risk and subsequent behavior change. The purpose of this study was to explore health care provider and at-risk individual perceptions of family history risk status in the context of the self-regulatory model of illness through qualitative interviews. Participants discussed cause, consequences, and control of risk. Health care providers described various aspects of risk perception, while at-risk individuals predominantly discussed cause. In relation to type 2 diabetes risk and family history, providers should dispel messages of inevitability, engage in conversations concerning consequences, and provide education concerning cause.



How to Cite

Thomas, J. J., Moring, J. C., Calmes, J., Kepler, M., Chaulk-Pikula, T., & Baker, S. (2020). What Does it Mean to be At-risk of Developing Type 2 Diabetes? Family Matters. American Journal of Health Studies, 34(4). https://doi.org/10.47779/ajhs.2019.47