Flip this House: The Structural Renovation of a Baccalaureate Health Studies Degree Program


  • Karen Doyle Ph.D., ASCM
  • Janice Putnam Ph.D. RN
  • David Kreiner Ph.D.




Mission Statement, Priorities, Strategies, Curriculum Map, Student Learning Outcomes


The purpose of this article is to provide other Health Studies (HS) degree programs with new ideas and lessons learned on how to flip their own house. An effective house-flipping begins with what needs the house should fulfill, leading to a vision and a design. The HS degree revision began with consideration of the nature of the field, leading to formulation of a program vision and mission. Specific decisions about program goals, course requirements, and program branding then flowed from those higher-level decisions. This time-consuming and challenging process resulted in a program with a defined purpose.



How to Cite

Doyle, K., Putnam, J., & Kreiner, D. (2020). Flip this House: The Structural Renovation of a Baccalaureate Health Studies Degree Program. American Journal of Health Studies, 35(1). https://doi.org/10.47779/ajhs.2020.101